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Pisang Kering Lemes

Produk kalayan 100% pisang. Kaunggulan produk ngawengku:

  • Taya Gula Ditambahkeun
  • Taya Pengawet
  • Taya Warna jieunan sarta Rasa

Pitunjuk: Siap dianggo.

Panyimpenan: Simpen di tempat anu tiis sareng garing, ngahindarkeun sinar panonpoé langsung.

Tanggal kadaluarsa: 12 bulan ti tanggal manufaktur.

Awas: Entong nganggo produk saatos tanggal béakna.

Mangga ngahubungan kami pikeun pitulung kalayan syarat purchasing borongan Anjeun.

Telepon: +84 909 722 866 (Whatsapp/Viber/Wechat/Kakao/Telegram)


Pisang Kering Lemes

100 Grams

    Pemasok grosir pisang garing lemes sareng sertifikasi HACCP, OCOP, ISO, sareng HALAL.

    Contact us pikeun nampa cutatan a.

  • Bungkusan

    ■ seleting bungkusan: 500gr / kantong (30 kantong / karton)
    250gr/bag (50 bag/karton)
    ■ Bungkusan bulk: 20kg / karton
    ■ bungkusan OEM: sakumaha diperlukeun


    Sea transportation: shipping FCL or shipping LCL, this is the most common way.

    Land transportation: this is suitable for the inland countries.

    Air transportation / Express (DHL, TNT, UPS, FedEx etc.,): this is generally used in trial order and urgent order.

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